
Showing posts from July, 2017

Mad Cool 2017 + Exploring Madrid

Madrid. What can be said that hasn't already?  A beautiful capital made as the playground of young and old alike. My time there was made extra special by the fact we'd gone there to experience Mad Cool Festival too, a new indie festival with an incredible line up for a second year, and the chilled out atmosphere only mainland Europe can provide. More about that later though. Before Mad Cool started we had 2 full days to explore and settle in Madrid. The first thing we noticed when we arrived was just how friendly the Madrilenians are. As we arrived we attempted to manoeuvre the Metro, a kind man gave us his tickets that had a day left on them, and when we went to try a Mahou - beer famous for being brewed in Madrid - the guy charged us a lower price for a larger cup. If it wasn't the kind people, then it was the cheap alcohol that already had me planning my next trip there.  A random backstreet I feel fits the aesthetic We stayed in a very centr...